Working and Living in Fuzhou
Mar 25, 2011 17:42
Greeting. And thanks for stopping in.

As an American man living in Beijing for 8 years, I have to thank my Chinese hosts for a great run. I really love being part of the development here. But, it is time for me to leave Beijing and see the rest of the country.

My girlfriend is from FZ and of course she dislikes BJ more than I do. I can state reasons why but nah..

What I would like to know is if there is a foreign community at all in FZ. And if so, where can I find those people online?

I am considering moving there and would very much like to know some information about work,environment, visa, housing etc etc.

holler back

xie xie
Feb 1, 2012 07:36
GUEST73240 Hi there,

Hopefully by now you have found the foreign community, and enjoy living in Fuzhou. Well, I just recently moved to Fuzhou from Beijing. I'v love to meet some foreign friends as well. If you know any more info, please let me know... Thanks! my msn:|yyxue7

Jan 7, 2013 08:38
GUEST93168 Hi,

I will be in Fuzhou by the end of February and i'm seeking for some people to meet and who can tell me about the life in this city. French or english speaker will be welcome but i can also try the rest!

Feel free to contact me by mail:|mathias.bobin
or by facebook:
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