My observations

Written by Jun 15, 2007 04:06
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My own discoveries

1. That famous Xiao Long Bao restaurant in Yuyuan is a rip-off. For 50 yuan (minimum of 25 yuan per person) you are served a medley of 8 items mostly deep fried carbohydrates plus cup soup and bite-site fruit in season. Certainly, the only thing I can say about it, they have invested heavily in public relations/ promotions. Here is my choice: FOR ONLY 7 YUAN enjoy 12 PCS OF EXTRA SOUPY XIAO LONG BAO, go to 271 Beihai Rd. just across the People’s Shopping Mall in Shanghai Huangpu district.
2. If you ask or request the food do not contain hot chili peppers, in order for you to order, they will lie.
3. Some shop people are pushy and impatient to make a sale. They are even meaner after you have made a previous purchase. They do not follow closely your request to cut trouser/pants length as specified.
4. Only a small percentage (10%) of people over 30 yrs. old can understand English. And I suggest to deal with shops that have English menu and with marked price tags.
5. People in some less wealthy residential areas wear pajamas walking and cycling in the streets up to 10 AM. They also hung their laundries above the sidewalk.
Even if it is in a street with plenty of taxis, buses and pedestrians, in front of a 20 story hotel in Renmin Rd.
6. Many modern buildings. Very innovative architecture. And in the evenings, you can enjoy a multicolor light show on the facades up to midnight. At 8 PM. On June 10, 2007. I even spotted a glowing LED lighted giant kite flying in the northwest part from People’s Park area. Quite a showy attitude.
7. Watch out for bikes and scooters even if you are on the sidewalk. Luckily, by being alert and careful, I only encountered a near accident.
8. You can really discover the REAL OLD SHANGHAI but walking in streets that are no more than 5 meters wide with dilapidated and small and low buildings. You will be surprised how they managed to do daily living and conduct business with a floor area of less than 35 square meters.
9. Zhouzhuang tour is worth the 200 yuan day tour fee. I recommend that you buy a silk garment since it cost 10% less than department stores yet more authentic. And for the 40 yuan entrance fee for Yuyuan garden. nothing much except for the well-worn stone paved footpaths, a few assembled rock sculptures and giant bronze wall relief. You can walk through it all in 25 minutes.
10. Peace Hotel is closed. But there are still other buildings with 1920s style architecture nearby.
11. Travel by Metro is the fastest way. Buy and make a deposit for a transport card. It is convenient. Be prepare to walk a long distance underground from the entrance to the Metro train. The Metro has a high acceleration. The stated how many minutes walking time from hotel to a certain location usually takes twice as long. And distances from one bus stop to the next one is estimated to be one kilometer.
12. The Maglev takes only 10 minutes from Pudong Airport to Long Yuan terminal.
Regular fare is 50 yuan. 20% discount on the arrival date. Maximum speed at 415 KPH. Slight sideways vibrations at top speed. Worth it to experience.
13. Taxi fare from People’s Park to Pudong airport is 38 yuan. About 40 minutes. They are OK.
14. Do not cross street if red light says Don’t Walk. Or you will be in trouble.
15. Overall, there is order and discipline. Pretty good sanitation on most streets. Did not see stray animals. Domestic cats, the only ones I saw are in a pet shop booth beside a fresh produce wet market.
16. Drinking water allowed on hand carry must be in 100ml or less. Don’t worry, there is a free hot & cold water dispenser at the pre-departure area.

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2. Stories in the subway station ANTICUTI from AU Dec 13, 2006 16:12
3. My Art of Bargaining XIEJIANFA from MY Oct 31, 2006 23:10
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