Yangshuo, Guangxi, China

Written by Mr. cHARLES Jan 4, 2011 01:22
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I just read the article of menancing Chinese at the bus station in Yangshuo which took place in December of 2007. I am completely surprised by the claims of the writer. I have been a traveler to and from Yangshuo for the past 14 years ( perhaps as many as 45 to 55 times) and I have arrived at the bus station many times in the early morning. I travel alone and now I am a man orf 80 years. Never have I been harrased or bothered by locals when I have arrived in that city. Yes, there are tauts there but they have always been peaceful. Actually, there knowledge of English is very limited and I doubt that they have the English skills reported by the writer. And yes, many do try to stear the arrivals to hotels but never have I seen any of them being hostile.

In summary, I think the article that you have on your website , if ture, is an extreme and rare occurance. An unknowing reader would surely get the wrong impression of Yangshuo, whose people are very hospitable. Also, the article is 3 years old and I think you should discard it because from my experience in Yangshuo, it is not a representavtive expample of arriving in Yangshuo at the bus station early in the morning.

 More Yangshuo Travel Reviews
1. Assault and menacing in Yangshuo China POPEYE4GEAR Dec 20, 2007 16:34
2. Shopping at the Yangshuo Farmer's Market CHYNAGYRL from CA Jun 12, 2007 19:06
3. Yangshuo III: Moon Hill & Finding Fuli LEMONCACTUS from CN Feb 10, 2007 23:02
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