Suining, Sichuan, China

Written by Mr. PAUL Aug 11, 2013 05:35
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Suining is a very small city  about 150,000 - in the downtown area. Most of the city is empty new apartment blocks on one side  and factories and an old city centre on the other side. It is located on a river and the city has many nice
 paths to walk along the river. It has a lot of pollution due to the lack of a sewage works and the number of coal power stations in the area. The sewage is pumped directly into the river in the city centre.

It is not an area of outstanding natural beauty but has a lot of rural areas in and around the city centre. This city is flat but the area around the city is very hilly. The people are all lower class, not very well educated and are very poor.

The city has a walmart, two KFC 's, one college, and one nightclub. there are many KTV's in the city and low quality restaurants and hotels. The city is trying to become a lesiure city between Chengdu and Chongqing.

The Sichuan high speed train line runs through the city and there are new highways to sereral cities

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