Rice terraces - ADRIAND


10 1 Views: 2721 Comments: 2 Uploaded: Nov 13, 2011 14:29
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Rice terraces
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    Comments (2)


    Jan 19, 2012 21:18 Reply

    Mrs.NANCY REED from CA, USA said:

    They are in Yangshuo. You can climb up a charming,winding 2000 step path up hill till you arrive above many , many rice terraces. You go between family's ancient wooden , homes and small shops; you go through a tribal village whose women have a haunting way of singing all together, and these women have the longest hair probably over most of the world, which they wind around their heads for quite a large head dress. You can hire 2 men to carry you up on a covered platform if it is too difficult for you. I did it with my daughter when I was about 63, and I would do so again if I get the chance. Memorable and beautiful. No wonder they call it the dragon's back! I carried a paper parasol and it did help me.


    Nov 13, 2011 18:48 Reply

    Mr.LEO said:

    What is she doing?

    Nov 14, 2011 13:09
    ADRIAND replied:

    She is preparing bamboo rice. It seems to be a traditional food there.
    The rice is cooked inside the bamboo and than seved as it is. You have to split the bamboo and that you have access to the rice.

    Dec 4, 2011 18:44
    Mr.LEO replied:

    Thank you! It's interesting. I'll try it when I'm there.

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