Armpit Hair
Feb 12, 2009 15:52
GUESTTOMI think liking the unshaved armpits id a taste you develop after some time in you life. Bisides it doesnt look good on every one. It is like everything else, it has to be the right kind with the right quantity on right person. But mostly on women who dont have much of hair on their body. furthurmore under arms are a sensual part of the body and it atracts attention. For example women when they are aroused and want to get attention, they raise their arms. I hope that answer your question.

yours , tom
Feb 14, 2009 07:41
GUEST19236wat do u think abt this rita....armpit hair is attractive ...
Mar 20, 2009 03:49
GUEST76199so cute and very sexy
Mar 29, 2009 21:17
GUEST86204i like woman armpit hair but it's a shame to show it in public
Jul 3, 2009 03:10
GUEST93211if i were ur husband i would never letu shave ur undre arms
Jul 8, 2009 01:56
GUEST93211women with hair in thier under arms smel great....
Aug 7, 2009 00:41
GUEST06221I am Chinese and my mom does not shave her armpits. She believes that if you shave your armpits, the hair will grow back faster and thicker. In fact, she doesn't shave at all.
Aug 17, 2009 12:40
GUEST17207I am a very attractive 24 year old caucasian female, and I DO NOT SHAVE. Hair reminds me of my closeness to nature, and to the spirit made us. Are we trying to pretend we're not animals? Because as far as I see it, we're all animals of the same planet.
Aug 22, 2009 04:14
GUEST22358I recently was in Flushing, Queens in NYC, which has a large number of people who moved from Taiwan. I noticed some of the older women had unshaved pits. The women at the cash register in the Chinese restaurant I ate at (probably in her mid 40s) had very, VERY hairy underarms, so noticeable, so thick. It was somewhat shocking to see, mostly because it was unexpected, and because she happened to have that much hair. But even at the time I realized that was just my reaction to a different cultural norm. I did not think she "should" shave just to please people more accustomed to women shaving - though I wondered if maybe she might trim it a little with that much hair, just kidding.
Sep 8, 2009 06:06
GUEST81124armpit hair is awsome!
I think its not anything to be digusted at, if a person is discreet about it in public, its fine.
I think things like that are personal and some may find it desirable and some not.
It can be jsut as unique as a lady who is shaven. Infact i see now rule of thumb, aside from decency of public appearance, that women should shave in any country. So many social norms like that and heavy maitenance of the 'self'. Be in harmony with yourself and do whatever feels natural!
If it comes from the heart then who are others to judge. hehehe

My apologies, i just like the wonderful variety of this world!
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