Visa Application with Criminal Background
Apr 15, 2009 08:58
GUEST39025 ... and collected my visa today. Multi-entry.

It just confirms to check the "No" box.
Apr 18, 2009 17:56
GUEST87220 If China finds out you lied and you are already in China will they lock you up? Thailand does.
May 17, 2009 16:11
GUESTTHECHAMP I am wondering if anyone has had any problems with these new visa rules that are now in place, effective May 5. No more multi-entry, no more expedited...
May 19, 2009 09:21
GUESTTHE CHAMP Nevermind. I got that wrong. They are still issuing multi-entry. I'm in the wrong forum anyway...
Jun 7, 2009 07:39
GUESTSOVARM Wow, I was surfing throught the net for a long time and finally landedn on this extremely helpful forum. Thanks to all who is providing the answers. I have a quite peculiar case. Back in 2006 I was charged with a felony in the US for a retail theft (the amount was more than $150), during the court I plead down to a misdemeanour with 18 months of probation. I'm currently studying in Italy and now I have to apply for a German stay permit. On the application form they ask if u have ever been convicted in any other country. I'm wondering if countries in EU will do the criminal background check across all the countries. What if I check no? Does anyon has similar expirience/thoughs on this? Thanks so much!
Jun 8, 2009 04:10
GUEST66766 I checked "no" and I am here now. No problem. My trip is almost over now and I plan to do the same the next time I come. (in 2 years)
Jun 9, 2009 00:51
GUESTGET REA... Thanks for cutting to the chase guest #87220. Guest SOVARM: I agree that this is a helpful thread, and worth the search . . . probably almost as entertaining as it is helpful . . .
Jun 13, 2009 01:21
GUEST91254 Is anyone has a record and get visa?
Jun 13, 2009 02:59
GUEST23115 I wondering a similar thing. I live in PA and just was convicted of a dui (non-felony version) and plan to teach english to speakers of other languages for business (aka TESOL) in china. Am I stuck between a rock and hard place? I REALLY hope not, I've wanted to do this for years.... Please reply someone, thank you.
Jun 13, 2009 03:35
GUEST23115 sorry let me be more clear on my last post about dui... i'm intending to work there. Also has anyone had a dui and been denied being accepted into a TESOL certificate program? Sorry if this question is unique and may not be answerable as pertaining to a very specific query, thank you all, hope to read a reply soon!
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