Do you know where men prefer to hide their egg money?
Dec 18, 2008 21:00
  • BBQQ
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Today, it is not a surprise that the men secretly hide egg money somewhere for themselves. But do you know where they usually hide their egg money? Here is an article. Please read it and then you might know where your husband hides his egg money.

1. In his drawer in the office. Most wives seldom go to their husbands’ office. So this is the safest place to hide his egg money. But what if his office was stolen? Once your egg money was stolen, you couldn’t say anything to your wife but accepted the loss.
2. In his subject books or dictionaries. Men understand that their wives are not interested in their specialties let alone his books or dictionaries. But this method requires that the husband must have a good memory. Otherwise, he even doesn’t know where he puts his egg money.

If your wife is a police, you must be careful. A smart wife who was a police once got a clue from the telephone number and finally found her husband’s annual bonus on page 2253 of Ancient Chinese (a book). The telephone’s last four numbers were 2253.
3. At bank. Saving his egg money at bank is very safe, isn’t it? Even you lost your bank passbook or debit card, your egg money was safe because you could declare “lost” to the bank. But you must find a safer place to hide the passbook and debit card. Where can you hide the passbook and debit card? A guy hides the passbook and debit card behind the wedding photo of his wife and him. So far, it hasn’t been discovered by his wife.
4. Lend his egg money to his friends. Using your friend as a safe is a good idea. But it is dangerous. If your friend writes an I.O.U. to you, where should you hide? On the other hand, if he/she doesn’t write an I.O.U. to you, you are worried that he/she might deny this one day. What are you going to do?
Dec 18, 2008 23:38
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What about a safety deposit box?
Dec 19, 2008 20:29
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Oh boy... BBQQ, why did you divulge the men's secrets that we women already know? :P Now, we can't claim that we don't know. LOL!

Actually, my father hides money in between books and magazines. He said those books and magazines are his collection but all of us know that he has money everywhere.

How about under the floor, under the carpet?
Jan 2, 2009 06:50
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Egg money? I assume this is direct translation from Chinese. Can someone explain please as it's new to me.
Jan 2, 2009 15:40
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I presume "egg money" means "rainy day money" or "secret money". In any secure and open relationship I see no reason to hide it. I think it's entirely reasonable that both parties should have access to limited private funds for such things as gifts or personal luxuries.
Jan 3, 2009 20:16
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Egg money?? I've heard of the term numerous times and have always associated it with the era of the great depression (1929-1937?) when the farmers (if they had no actual money) could always sell or trade
their eggs for cash or other commodities.

I'm quite sure that the Chinese culture (and you and the Chinese people know a lot more about it than I do)
with all of it's great history has similar analogies and from a much earlier point in time.
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