what do you feel about what happen in gaza ????
Jan 26, 2009 11:14
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When Israeli soldiers retaliated due to Hamas constant attacks, many civilians were killed, some of the children were shot with bullet holes, hit by snipers. I can I understand if they were bombed, but with bullet holes? Meaning the soldiers either firing at random, shooting spree or targetting the children as well? Maybe it is justified to kill children and women because Hamas hid behind them.

Jan 27, 2009 09:34
  • SETH
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Wan - I can understand your concern. Have you ever been in an open gunfire fight with automatic weapons? No sane human being would deliberately fire upon a child. But I do not trust Hamas from shooting their own people for the propaganda value. They deliberately try to kill Israeli civilians (Sderot, etc.), so life means nothing to them.

Still, no one answered my question about how long Taiwan would survive (men, women, and children) if they fired 6000 missiles into China.
Jan 27, 2009 22:34
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Seth, my answer addressed to your assumption is: the difference between solders and hoodlum is that soldiers fight for women and children instead of sacrifice women and children. So your assumption will never happen.
Jan 28, 2009 10:50
  • JCNILE123
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Hamas is a terrorist group that cowardly uses woman and children as a shield.
Jan 28, 2009 18:50
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Isn’t there are thread 'Why do we kill each other in the name of God?’ Because we as a whole have a mentality that it is worth it to kill each other in the name of God. Set aside all the emotions and think. If we think it is right to kill each other in the name of God, why then should we cry when people or children get killed? Isn’t it normal? When we make a difficult decision, don’t we grit our teeth because we think it is worth it and bear with the consequences?

It is sad when children have to die because of quarrelling ‘adults’. It’s even worse when the cause of the squabbles is religion. I don’t know why humans engage in wars. Wars do not operate on reason and logic. That’s why it is a war. Wars do not discriminate whether it is a woman, man or babies, whether you have something to do with it or not. That’s why it is stupid. Why can’t people just get along? Why can’t people respect each other’s beliefs? Why kill each other in the name of God? My belief is that if there is a God, he/she probably think we are stupids. But what does that make him/her?
Jan 30, 2009 22:31
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This conflict has nothing to do with god. It has everything to do with territory. Religion just makes the requisite human sacrifice seem less futile.
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