Don't take rickshaws at north gate of Forbidden city

Written by Mr. JOHN Nov 12, 2013 08:47
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Unfortunately we did not read the recommendations not to take rickshaw at north gate before the trip into the Forbidden city. We caught up in the "rickshaw" scam. Offerer in front of gate was yelling 3 Yuan or even 2 Yuan. Alarm bells started ringing when the driver didn't take the turn on the road to the entrance, first time and again when we turn into hutongs and became all alone. Then the drivers stopped in dead-end and said 300Y and also pulled out the 300 Yuan card. We told him to forget it and offered 3 Yuan. We try to call a police but 112 suggest you to call 120 or 122, but 120 and 122 hang up calls. After some pushing and yelling they disappear with 50Y per person. drop point was few corners from east-bridge to Forbidden city and just one corner from police camera….surprisingly. Only possitive fact is that they do not escalate conflict beyond a few physical pushes and don’t use any weapons.

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Comments (1)


Nov 19, 2013 15:16 Reply

GHISLAIN1957 said:

Samething happenned to me 3 years ago. The driver told me 3 yuans and asked me 300 yuans after yelling at him that I won't pay and called the police, many Chinese people came around asking what was going on. Then I gave him 50 yuans and told him to get away right now if he doesn't want to be hit.

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