JOSE's Travel Tips

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Entering China from Hong Kong
JOSE | -General- | 4/1/2007 9:03:42 PM

Apr. 2006
It is easy to enter China from Hong Kong. Just take the metro to Shenzhen border. Then walk to the customs with your passport in hand. Along with you there will be millions of other chineses doing the same, but as foreigner you will have the advantage to use a different counter to cross the border. Just show your passport and things will be easyer for you. However, during the passport inspection and stamping the guard will check carefully you and your documents.

After crossing the border, take care with people (mainly security guards) who try to "help you" speaking some english, asking to buy for you phone cards, or calling to your friend or something else. They will ask you money for whatever "help".

JOSE | -General- | 4/1/2007 8:55:59 PM

If you don´t have a China Visa, you can get it easyly in Hong Kong, only have to wait some 24 hours and you will have it.

Hong Kong
JOSE | -General- | 4/1/2007 8:49:50 PM

Apr. 2006. Really modern city. Excellent night life. I spent my birthday there in a Irish pub drinking good Guiness beer. The YMCA is a good option to have lodging at low cost in a clean and safe place.

I suggest to take a taxi and ask the driver to take you to visit the main points of the city. Must spent one night in the Soho, , viist the HKTC and take the ferry.

Many many foreign comunities. Hong Kong looks like a meeting point of all cultures, like westerns, chineses, arabs, africans, etc.

JOSE | -General- | 4/1/2007 8:43:42 PM

Sep 2004. From Wuxi to Changzhou I visited small factories of electric parts and metal working. These are the really chinese manufacturing plants, where the small parts are made. Many young girls seat one by the other in long tables assembling parts. I looked like them as strange.

Jinan and Dongying
JOSE | -General- | 4/1/2007 8:37:09 PM

I knew the famous Yellow River. Traveling from Jinan to Dongying Is a good opportunity to know the inner country of this part of china.

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