AUSTIN's Travel Tips

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Why should choose the Xuanke Naxi Ancient Music only?!
AUSTIN | Lijiang | 1/5/2005 12:28:43 PM

You must know the famous Nanxi ancient music. And if you know it, or if you want to enjoy it, somebody would strongly recommend the Xuanke ancient music. Maybe because it is trumpeted so great, if speaking of the Naxi ancient music, the Xuanke is recommended. But do you know that almost one hour and a half is for that vigorous aged man to have a long and tedious & meaningless speech, and only about 30 minutes for the music performance.
Why spend so much time and money on it?
I am really indignant about their performance time distribution!!

Another Naxi ancient music-Dongba ancient music
AUSTIN | Lijiang | 1/5/2005 12:27:35 PM

Still enjoy the Naxi ancient music, why not the Dongba ancient music?
It is a really genuine local and traditional art thought not being puffed as the Xuanke. These two are just opposite on the same street, also great rivals. Without many unwanted procedures as the speech of personal opinion, and advocacy, etc., you just can enjoy even love the senior Dongba performer, singing unbendingly while playing the whelk clarion or ox horn. Without any nacked commercial preachment, it should be the best one to really enjoy and taste the true Naxi ancient music and culture.
And also it is much cheaper than the Xuanke.

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