Nadam Fair

Written by Mar 14, 2005 16:03
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To win the heart of a girl, man must prove his power and Nadam Fair is such a good opportunity. Nadam is entertainment and game literally. Every July and August, herdsmen will ride from mile away for the three skills for man, namely horse riding, archery and wrestling.
A laurel wrestler may have to go through 7 to 8 or even a dozen of competitions before winning. As the Mongolians conquered the world by archery, Genghis Khan ordered that every soldier must have two to three bows and three full quivers. At Nadam, everyone has 9 arrows to shoot in 3 turns.
Mongolian men will show their tenderness after a day’s vehement competiton when night falls and the camp fire is lighted. Besides the three skills, Mongolian men are born singers! Accompanied by the melodious horse head qin(a stringed instrument), their songs can surely melt the heart of the girls they admire!

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