3 Weeks in Nanchang

Written by Mr. GREG NELSON Jan 5, 2011 18:41
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I think Nanchang is a great place. Unusually for China it has lots of trees and tree lined streets - almost boulevards - walk down Zhongshan Rd - little parks by the smaller river or in town, as well as the bustling intensity that has always been China. One can find interesting streets and markets and NEIGHBORHOODS which is something that unfortunately China in its haste to modernise has bulldozed in other places (notably Beijing I think). I stayed here for 3 weeks, catching buses, taxis and walking everywhere before I saw my first foreigner. I appeared to be the only one, altho' that must have been happenstance as there are numbers of universities .... Nanchang U is very large situated on impressive campus. Oh, and I/we have yet to make a trip to Poyang Lake to see the Winter Cranes ... lots of nature reserves and waterways. Only negative thing is the icy weather (Dec 2010) and inadequate heating, but it is also unusually cold in the UK and NYC.

 More Nanchang Travel Reviews
1. Night Life in Nanchang LOANTRAVELLER from China Dec 6, 2010 22:31
2. Temples in Hidden Places MISHEN from NZ Sep 15, 2006 23:09
3. On the First of August MISHEN from NZ Sep 13, 2006 00:09
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