Riding the Mag Lev

Written by Mr. GEORGE LASHER Aug 18, 2013 08:56
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Thisis one of the great experiences in China and one of the most conveneint ways to get from Pudong International Airport to the center of the city.
I bring a lot of engineers with me from the US and Taiwan and always introduce them to this experience.  You get to skip all the problems of arranging for a car, or finding a taxi and the traffic in Shanghai which is about the worst I have ever expereinced and ride a technological marvel at 250 to 400 KPH, depending upon how they feel that day.
When you get to Longyang you can take a taxi to what ever hotel you need to be at in the city ( Iuse the Portman Ritz Carlton almost exclusively) .  Taxis are a lot easier to get at Longyang and it is about 60 RMB from the station to my hotel ($10 USD).

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