Visit to Xian

Written by Mar 30, 2004 17:03
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I had no idea that Xian was so large -- but we were with a tour group & could do only what they had planned. We spent 2 hrs in museum -huge - and over 2 hrs in a jade factory -- nice, but 90% of us could not afford the lovely jade - and then to the 15 dumpling dinner - very nice - then to Wild Goose Pagoda -- not so good - nothing much to see & very hot & dusty for 1st of May - then to see Terra Cotta Warriors which was the real thrill for us. We had studied much about these digs & w i ll study more. The Tang Dynasty DinnerShow that night was a marvelous, best show we've ever seen. Wonderful musicians & performers. None better that we've seen around the earth. We wish our tour had included more of seeing the people of Xian, - but we had no time. We loved the Chinese people we did get to see & had pictures taken w/them but could speak very little Chinese. Xian is great and we felt more in the country and like more of true, Chinese People. We will not forget you...

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