Round and About in Hong Kong

Written by Jun 16, 2006 10:06
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Little Surprises

It often baffles me how easily the transition was made from British to Chinese rule in this island city. Perhaps the people there will not fully agree with me, but during my recent visit lt seemed to be life and business as usual.

HK is actually a very special place, belonging as it does to a country which boasts of being 'one state, two systems of givernment.' Little things stand out in my memory. One of the surprises was the seemingly endless escalator from the lower to the middle levels of HK proper. It operates downwards in the morning and upwards in the evening. What a charming and delightful way to move up or down across many streets! One can survey shop windows endlessly as one is carried gracefully along.

The quaint old ferry to Kowloon is a highly functional link with bygone years.

Among the more impressive of my experiences was the proliferation of public buildings such as the space museum, the art gallery, the history museum. Each calls for a full day's visit almost, so full is each of interesting exhibits.

Take the Museum of History, for example. There is a remarkable permanent exhibition there of how HK grew from primitive times to the present day. It is an unforgettable history lesson in itself. If feel every visitor to the island should be encouraged to drop in and be part of the magic.

I think the exhibition on Admiral Zheng He's Voyages is still on as I write. This too is worth a visit. Chinese people should be proud of this daring and adventurous ancestor.

Of special interest in the Museum are the Multimedia Attractions touching on various events in the long history of HK. These are repeated over and over so everyone has a chance to see.

The Museum is on Chatham Road, Kowloon. Admission is $10 (HK) [senior citizens half rate].

The Botanics

When seen from the air HK seems to be a mass of concrete skyscrapers. It is a tribute to those who managed the island in the past, however, that there is so much greenry scattered across the city. And smack in the middle of HK proper, is nothing less than an impressive Botanicl Garden. It stretches from just below the Catholic Cathedral to the Governor's House. It is beautifully laid out, with a splendid thistle fountain in the centre. I feel it is just the right place to spend an hour or two away from the bustle of traffic. There is ample seating accommodation for the weary traveller and equally ample opportunities for the avid photographer.

I include a photo of a lovely plant I had never seen before.

If you are in HK proper with an hour to spare, then I recommend the botanics.

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3. <A> Dashing through Hong Kong DONOVANKIERAN Jun 15, 2005 11:06
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