
Hohhot Travel Reviews

Oct 27, 2007 02:31

As urban scientist John Rennie Short wrote in his famous book "The Urban Order" , cities are a direct reflection of society. And because cities are built over a long time, they are the result of the visions and decisions of both the historical and contemporary societies that lived and live ... Details

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Nov 27, 2005 06:11

Who would choose to go to Mongolia in winter? Both the Inner Mongolian province within Chinese territory and the independent Republic of Mongolia have the reputation amongst travellers as being some of the most remote and featureless territories on Earth. There is some interest in the warmer seasons, ... Details

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Apr 1, 2004 14:04

Be very carefull. Myself and 2 friends who teach in Chefin spent 24hrs by train to get to Hohhot then found an un-signed (in English) tour Co. who "specialised in a tour to Mongolian Style "yurts". Well - a Metal re-construction of a yurt was our accommodation, we froze our asses off ... Details

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