DAISY's Travel Tips

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YMCA Internation Hotel
DAISY | Hong Kong | 12/10/2006 12:30:30 AM

The 2nd time when I came to Hong Kong for business, I chose YMCA (the whole name is Young Men's Christian Association)International Hotel in You Ma Tei.

It is a Christain hotel, so the price is a little bit cheaper comparatively.

What I like most is that it is renowned for her ideal location accessible to shopping arcades and commercial centres.

About 2-3 minuts bu foot, you can easily find the You Ma Tei Metro stop nearby.

And because near the Nathan Road, it would not take you much time to walk to the propersrous shopping area. During the 3 days, I always walked to the famous Beauty Street for some great and cheap clothes, shoes, bags, where you can find everything you want.

If you are a Christan, it is also easy for you to find some store which sells something related to Jesus, even different versions of Saint Bible.

Ibis in Hong Kong
DAISY | Hong Kong | 12/8/2006 12:32:29 AM

Been a France privated hotel, Ibis is located in North Point of Hong Kong Island, and it is really comprehensive though small.

Generally speaking, it's hard to find a 3-star hotel offering free breakfast in Hong Kong, but Ibis is, and the breakfast is great as well.

Many peopel for short business trip would choose Ibis, not only for its comprehensive and comfortable facility and service, but the convenient transportation as well. Just five minuts for you to get to the nearest metro stop on foot.

I would still choose Ibis for next trip.

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