MADL49's Travel Tips

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Traditional Roast Duck in Shenyang
MADL49 | Liaoning | 9/12/2005 5:55:44 AM

If you travel to Shenyang, don't loose the dining in Shenyang traditional restaurant. The perfect meal in there is: Chinese Traditional Roast Duck which is served by other delicious apetites such as special thin bread, garlic, eggplant and special sauce and etc.
This restaurant is in Dadong Lu near Imperial Palace in the heart of Shenyang.

waking early morning
MADL49 | -General- | 9/11/2005 5:42:13 AM

You have better to wake early in the morning in China to see the people execising through the streets and squares. The life starts in China earlier than most of other countries. You can see the people going to work or exercising on 5:00 am or even earlier!

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