DAISY's Travel Tips

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Mt. Huashan should be included in your Xian trip....
DAISY | Xi'an | 10/19/2004 10:46:52 AM

Huashan is a breathtakingly impressive mountain range just outside of city. I started climbing the mountain at around midnight, about 22:00 pm. It well took me about 5 hours to get to the apex. To catch the special and wonderful time of the sunrise, I think the long tiring work deserves!!. At several thousand feet above sea level and sharp cliffs on all sides, sunrise on top of Huashan beats sunrise on a beach any day of the week !!

The best way to get around is...
DAISY | Xi'an | 10/15/2004 10:59:58 AM

The best way to get around is to take taxi. Taxies in Xian are not expensive and save time. The hire price is 5(or 6 for a better car)Rmb which covers the first 3 kilometres and an additional fee of 1.2/kilometres applies for additional mileages.

Shaanxi Cold Noodle
DAISY | Shaanxi | 9/20/2004 11:02:17 AM

We called it "Liang Pi". In fact, it is very similar to the Cold Noodle. With thin and translucent the noodle, savory vinegar and cayenne, Liang Pi should be tasted for tis three main features.

Only cost RMB1.5, you can will never forget its savour. In Xian, Junjun and Zhangjun are the very famous restaurants for it.

Fried dumpling!!!!
DAISY | Shaanxi | 9/20/2004 10:51:03 AM

In fact, it is very easy to make it. Deepfry after boiling. Wow, look its golden appearance, mouth is watering.

Local birthday cake with peach shapes
DAISY | Shaanxi | 9/20/2004 10:36:54 AM

With many good wishes and blessing to the longevo, it is a very common food you will see in Shaanxi country. If you have chance go there, please don't forget to make a cake in person following the guides of the local.

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