CYNTHIAA's Travel Tips

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Dining in Beijing
CYNTHIAA | Beijing | 4/26/2004 4:22:01 PM

All the expensive hotels have several well-appointed restaurants, where the atmosphere is sedate but prices are sometimes not as high as you might expect; look out for their special offers, advertised in the city's listings magazines. Local restaurants, though, are cheaper and livelier. Expect to eat earlier than you would in Western cities: lunch is around noon and dinner around 6pm or 7. Few places stay open after 11pm. Restaurants usually have two, sometimes more dining rooms , which are priced differently - though the food comes from the same kitchen. The cheapest one is usually the open-plan area on the first floor. It's rarely worth phoning ahead to book a table; if you do, you will always end up in the most expensive sections.

CYNTHIAA | Beijing | 4/8/2004 5:39:32 PM

The imperial court banquet in Beihai Park is very good and the restaurant is housed in traditional Chinese building. I went there last winter and could not forget the delicious food.

Wangfujing Street is a good place for snacks. The hotel we stayed is quite near the street and we went there at night. Various food made me full! Tip: Remember just taste a very little piece of each, otherwise you will feel full before you get to the end of the row.

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