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The Fujian Adventure-- (Fujian--#1 for Foreigners!)
AMOYBILL | Fujian | 5/3/2004 11:38:14 PM

Fujian, home of China's maritime industry, Start of the Silk Road of the Sea, and home of most Overseas Chinese, is one of China's most fascinating provinces--and I should know. In 1994, I drove our van Toy Ota over 40,000 km around China, up the coast to Mongolia, through the Gobi Desert to Tibet, and back through South China, but decided that of all the wonderful places in China, Fujian is the most unique, with the most dialects of any province, and an unparalleled natural, historic and cultural diversity. Wuyi Mountain, home of tea, is a cultural and historic wonderland, with a biological diversity that rivals Eden. Ningde has China's largest waterfalls complex. Quanzhou was the largest seaport on earth, rivaling Alexandria, Egypt, and a Jerusalem of Asia with every major religion in the world, as well as the source of the treasured Dehua porcelain, Anxi tea, and marvelous Chinese marionettes. S.W. Fujian has the unique Hakka earthen dwellings. And... sites are endless! I wrote about many of my favorite Fujian attractions in the 400+ page color book "Fujian Adventure," but you can review some of them on our Amoy Magic website:
China Site:
Outside China:

Enjoy Amoy!
AMOYBILL | Xiamen | 5/3/2004 11:31:22 PM

When we moved to Xiamen from California in 1988, we never imagined we'd take up Permanent Residence! China's "Garden Island" is a beautiful place to visit, or to settle down (over 3,000 laowai have fallen in love with Amoy and settled down!). There's so much to see and do that I've written the 450 page "Amoy Magic--Guide to Xiamen" as a guide and outline of our fascinating international heritage and culture. Check out sites like Gulangyu Island, or Xiamen University, at our website:
China site:
Outside China:

Dr. Bill Brown, Xiamen University MBA Center.

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