BILL888's Travel Tips

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Raft trip...a must!
BILL888 | -General- | 9/15/2005 7:50:11 PM

Be sure to take a trip on one of those rafts dwon the river. It is very romantic and lots of fun.

Stay away from Nasty Tibetan Women
BILL888 | -General- | 9/15/2005 7:47:44 PM

The greatest danger to travellers here is not altitude is walking in the open market downtown. The open-air stalls here are mainly run by very, very aggressive Tibetan women who get nasty if you do not buy something. One even spit at us when we did not buy their product!! Instead, I recommend the stores behind these stalls. Most of these are run by chinese who will give you a much better deal and also be much more polite. Otherwise, have fun and enjoy the temples.

Naxi Ancient Music your money
BILL888 | Lijiang | 9/15/2005 7:35:57 PM

I agree with one of the other travellers that this "concert" is a major rip off. First, it is not bilingual; the old man in charge spoke only several phrases in english and one of these was to apologize that he would not speak english since he did not want to upset the chinese-speaking people in the audience. Second, most of the performers were literally falling asleep on stage, that is when they were not yawning. Third, it is not actually Naxi music they perform but chinese music. So save your money and just take a peek inside the hall during the day if you want to see what it looks like. Plus, don't let them gauge you---the tickets should cost 30 yuan, not 140 yuan.

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