
Written by Dec 28, 2007 05:51
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So, the latest article I was able to read on Shenyang on this website was from 2005. I figured I could let some others know that some things have changed in Shenyang since that last editorial. Especially, since 2008 and the Olympics are fast approaching.

Well, Starbucks may not be the best coffee in someone's opinion, but I think that the last writer from 2005 might have appreciated one being in the TaiYuan Jie area (Tian Xi Qi). Well, guess what? Now there are 2 Starbucks, right on TaiYuan Street that current visitors may choose from; and there is another within a 10 minute walk of Tai Yuan Jie. (Jie is the word for a STREET between the directions of North and South). The third Starbucks that can be walked to from Tai Yuan Jie is by the Intercontinental Hotel on Nanjing Jie.

The best advice I can give, is to learn at least some of the language while you visit and speak. "Thank you" Xie Xie, "you are welcome/do not be so polite" Bu Yong Xie, and "sorry/I'm embarrassed" Bu Hao Yi Se can go a long way.

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3. Strange Mountain - Shenyang in the Twilight Zone MISHEN from NZ Jan 4, 2006 01:01
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