Lugu Lake

Written by Jul 9, 2009 06:19
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Lugu Lake is located in Lijian.

Lugu Lake

The beautiful Lugu lake is located in Lijian, which is 280 KM far away from Lijian ancient town. The area of lake is 52 square meters,the average depth is 40 meters and the altitude is 2,700 meters. The whole lake like a calla.In the morning the lake is verdure green and in the eventide is dark green. Transportiaon:From Lijian to Lugu Lake, you can take bus at the Lijiang public bus station, 9:00AM or 10:00 AM every day.The trip need near 8 hours and the fee is around 50 rmb. The cost of guest house in Lugu Lake is ranging in 30 to 200 rmb per night.

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