
Written by Nov 2, 2009 01:39
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Most suitable living place for human being

The beach of Rizhao

Rizhao is a rising port city along the coast of China. The name of Rizhao originated from an old saying that "It was the first to get the sunshine". Rizhao is one of the 15 coastal cities designated by the Sate Council for major construction. With two ports connecting with the world and one railway linking Asia with Europe, Rizhao is also the Eastern Bridgehead of the New Euro-Asia Continental Bridge.

Rizhao is located at the southern end of Shandong Peninsula along the coast of the Yellow Sea, facing Korea and Japan across the sea in the east. It has Donggang District, Ju County, Wulian County, Lanshan District, Rizhao Economic and Technological Development Zone and Shanhaitian Tourism & Vacation Zone under its jurisdiction. The city has a total area of 5310 sq.km, coastline of 100 km and a population of 2.78 million. The superior geographic location, favorable eco-environment, abundant resources and improving urban functions bring vitality to Rizhao.

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