Li Tang

Written by Nov 12, 2004 14:11
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Li Tang, Gazer Tibet Autonomous Perfecture, Sichuan

Litang - the origin of Tibetan culture. Tibetan culture is divided into eastern and western branches. And the Tibetan culture is originated from eastern branch, whose cradle is Litang.
Grassland here is broad and beautiful. This, to me, is the real Shangri-La. Purple and yellow wildflowers, black yaks, local Tibetan kids are all lovely. Meadows are interspersed with shade of clouds, making dark and bright green patches. The white Tibetan houses are unique with its trapezoid window with black frames. What amazed me most is many people have flower planted in pot on their balcony. They really enjoy their life!!!
The local people are friendly and coy, contrary to my expectation. We met a valiant cowboy, on his motorcycle and when we asked him about the road, he was shy and coy but friendly.
Haizi, namely, son of sea, refers to little patches of water. They are even not bigger than lake or pond. Small as they are, they are crystal and calm. Haizi Hill is really a wonder. Huge rocks piled mile after mile. Those rocks are different from common rocks from the mountain. They are more like rocks under sea. Hence, the name Haizi Hill. According to experts, millions of years ago, there used to be sea here.
Downtown Litang is quiet and clean. As night falls, you can watch starry sky and listen to young people sing folk songs in the street. There is no party or something but they just sing when they feel like. Every Tibetan is a born singer! Also I found at least two net bars in one street. Really convenient!

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