Xiamen revisited

Written by May 2, 2005 10:05
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Xiamen, what a lovely place

At Gulangyu, Sichuang Garden(garden by the sea),There is the hill with 12 caves and it is a maze(horizontal and also vertical) built with stone and mortar. Many people laughed and enjoyed being inside it and watching other people inside it. And there is this Piano Museum where there are rare Pianolas (auto playing) and kiddie size pianos. They even have a 90 degree corner piano too! I wonder how can it be played?

At Thousand Rock Garden, there are rock and pool gardens that one should take a lot of pictures-nature at its finest!

At Nanputou Temple, right next to Xiamen University. and at the Thousand Rock Garden,and at Gulangyu, exquisite flowers abound and carefully nurtured. I took several close up photos of these wherein you see more the flowers than the leaves. To fully appreciate what I am describing, better go take a look youself.

Xiamen is now undergoing urban renewal. And there are few pets and practically no stray pets and no dog/cat pooh!

Now that I am back home, I would surely miss the cheap and delicious fried oyster(muli) cake and the fried Xiamen rice noodles.

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