Unusualness of Suzhou

Written by Feb 7, 2010 03:21
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At the mention of Suzhou, classical gardens always come as the first to one mind. However I had something different to experience this time. A childhood friend works in Suzhou after graduation from college school. She is my guide and I can just go around with her without worrying where to take bus and what to see.

My first destination is a interesting lane called Tai Jian Nong (太监弄, Eunuch Lane) and the first thing is to eating. Xin Ju Feng Restaurant (新聚丰菜馆) is a well-spoken-of restaurant in the city, a perfect place to taste Suzhou dishes. The restaurant unfolds an old Suzhou atmosphere. It is said that there is Pingtan performances here. Obviously, it is not the right time when you get there at noon. Here are some dishes of this restaurant I want to recommend: fried shrimp, fired fish fillet, cherry pork, and a well-know local snack, jujube cake. Yummy! Tai Jian Nong deserves to be a cate street, attracting many epicures coming and searching for delicious food. Guan Qian Jie is more famous according to my searching work on internet. Guan Qian Jie is parallel to Tai Jian Lane and they are linked with small paths and lanes. There are also many honored stores in Guan Qian Jie serving Suzhou snacks and food. Xuan Miao Guan (玄妙观) is a Taoist temple on Guan Qian Jie, where you can find some small things very interesting and unique to Suzhou.

Walking along Guan Qian Road and through several lanes, we were stepping on Pingjiang Road. This is a well preserved old lane, trees, old Suzhou residences, mottled white wall and rivers behind the house. You can see the senior people sitting on wooden chairs under tree shade. In the depth of the lane, it is Suzhou Pingtan Museum. Pingtan is a performing art born in Suzhou. The singers tell stories in ballad in Suzhou dialect and accompanies by musician instrument. I was told that Pingtan was popular since mid Qing Dynasty. You can hear the light smooth sounds from the inside. I can not understand Suzhou dialect, let alone Suzhou dialect singing, so does my friend. We stare on each other for a second, and say, the point is the feeling. We didn’t buy ticket to see the performance. The audience is mostly senior people above 60 years old. I just though, they may be surprised to see young girls like us sit and admire Pingtan. We ourselves felt the same too, so we just get around the museum.

Only 50 meters away from Pingtan Museum, we saw Kun Opera Museum. Kun Opera is better known to us. It has been listed as oral and non-material cultural heritage by the UNESCO. We learn the 600-year history of Kun Opera and basic knowledge here. There are costumes, music instrument, mold and other related introductions. This is a free and quiet space. Out of the museum, we saw stone bridge and the ordinary life of Suzhou people.

Get through deep and long lane and get back to hustle sounds again. I appreciate I had a tranquil time to see the unusualness of Suzhou, which is not easy for a busy visitor to have during the stay in this city.

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