Very good guide

Written by Mr. DAN SCHORR Aug 12, 2012 10:28
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That was a good description for getting the afidavit of single status. I am an american citizen.
Marriage in Zhanjiang
I had to send  divorce papers to the Secretary of the State where I got divorced the last time to get norarized. Then I had to send that paperwork to a website who sent it to the Secretary of the State of the USA and to the Chinese Embassy. I took this paperwork to Guangzhou, China to the US Embassy and they gave me my afidavit for single status paperwork. That piece of paper was very hard to get. The USA is divided up into different sections so only certain websites could help me because they had to file where they were and where I was. I live in Tennessee so I could have gone to Washington DC but at that time I did not know if I had the correct paperwork or not. You are right that it depends where you live is how you can get the paperwork for afidavit for single status. I am very happily married. I want to help others who marry in China. There are no clear cut directions. My wife wanted to get married where her family was or we could have gotten married in the USA. Good luck to all who try to get that Afidavit of Single Status.

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