How big and beautiful Beijing was.

Written by Jan 27, 2006 16:01
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How beautiful Beijing was

Seeing Beijing for the first time was beyond my amazment. It was so big and colorful I cannot decribe it. The city in itself was a attraction. The people was so nice and smiling to meet americans I could not wait to get to my hotel and get back out into the city, to get to the sites without rest but a lot of jet lage. The color was amazing to see, the city had so much beauty and big. I found a friend that I was going to meet to help me get around and see the sites and meet the people. He first took me the a small market and got something to eat. It was great I cannot name it, I do know chicken was what I ate. Then he took me shopping and the fun began. I thought the price of things were going to be above american standards, how wrong I was. The prices were very low and the crafts that I purchased was very beauttiful from a skilled worker. I purchased some wood craving, painting, cricket holders, and other odd items all for under $100 american dollars. I was very happy, so was the gift getters. I finally got back to the hotel around 10:00 pm. and found my bed. Sleeping was no problem. I got up early the next day rested, ready for the days adventure to the Great Wall. It was just what I expected, a piece of China's history that is also huge, big and the beauty of it was something to see. I could not beleive the years it went up in, and the lenght of it. After getting back to the hotel eating, and doind all the siteseeing I could muster in one day and part of another. I had to do my job I was sent to do. It was easy working with the company and the people, it made the visit to China worth it all. I was there not for a vacation, but it turned into one, thanks to the company I work for. I did get my job done, but also I became one of afew people who got to see such a beautiful city in Beijing, and it's people. I only hope to get to go back again to see more of it next time.

 More Beijing Travel Reviews
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2. Lessons in Chinese VICKYTALBOT Oct 20, 2005 16:10
3. Revisiting China VINNIE77 from US Sep 15, 2005 22:09
Comments (1)


Jan 30, 2006 04:39 Reply


Hey !!! it's really nice to see another American 'gush' about China the way I do all the time !! I have not been to Beijing yet, but I have made three trips to Southern China, Guangzhou and Nanning, and I have the very same feelings and impressions about the land and the people !! They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder !! I think China is the most wonderful place on the Planet outside of the USA !!! Great review !! Best wishes and enjoy your next trip even more !! Roger rogerinca

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