On China's Threshhold

Written by Apr 26, 2006 09:04
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Reflections before setting out for China

In less than a week I shall be winging my way back to China. There are friends there whom I met on my last trip and we are keen to re-unite. Strange, we met only briefly and yet the bond is deep. It has been nourished of course by emails back and forth.

Now and then people ask me how I feel on the eve of my return to the Orient. If they have to ask the question, I think they will not understand the answer. There are feelings and emotions that go too deep for words. I cannot even articulate for myself, what is going on in my mind and heart as departure day approaches.

But one thing I have learnt from extensive travel: Always go among other people as a guest, never as a host. By this I mean, go with humility and openness, as one who is invited into the intimacy of another race. One must never go as if one knew everything, patronising and looking down on others. Go to see the mystery and the wonder and the beauty in a new place; don't find fault with things which are done differently from your native place.

Over the years, I find that this attitude opens one to so many little pearls of beauty and wonder and mystery and enrichment. And that is how I shall set out on 1st May. I am told i shall find China in a holiday mood. All the vbetter. More fun and less formality. Roll on, the 1st of May.

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2. By Train through the Night KEVINWARDCFC from IE Apr 21, 2006 22:04
3. Love at First Sight KEVINWARDCFC from IE Apr 21, 2006 10:04
Comments (2)


Apr 26, 2006 21:07 Reply


indeed. It is advisable to foreign travellers not to bring their culture & set of rules/values to the country you are visiting.


Apr 26, 2006 19:56 Reply

PEA28COCK said:


I have deeply sensed your love to China through your words on this Community. :)Really impressive!!

Welcome to China again.

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