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Thread: <Chinese Learning> Introduce your relatives
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[quote=MAY001,229695]丈夫(Zhang 4 Fu1)/妻子(Qi 1 Zi 3)=Husband/Wife There are many other ways to say 丈夫 and 妻子, but this is the most common and formal one now. Another common way is to say 老公(Lao 3 Gong 1) and 老婆(Lao 3 Po 2), which is quite informal. While talking to some traditional people, they may use 外子(Wai 4 Zi 3) and 内子(Nei 4 Zi 3) to address Husband and Wife. 外 means Outside, Outside the house, while 内 means Inside, Inside the house. According to my own understanding, 外子 and 内子 indicated the traditional Chinese thought that men should work outside and earn money to support the family while women should stay at home and take care the family. [/quote]
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