Terms of Use
By posting threads, replies, travel reviews, tips or photos on TravelChinaGuide Community, you agree to observe the following terms.

Community moderators will review all threads, replies, travel reviews, tips and photos. They will (without prior notice) edit, move, lock or delete any:

1) which are unlawful, defamatory, harassing, threatening, obscene, pornographic, or otherwise indecent.
2) which are libelous, abusive or tortuous that may render harm to a third party or the other users of the community.
3) which may violate any applicable local or international laws or regulations or result in serious threat to public security.
4) which contain racial discrimination or otherwise discriminate against person(s) on the basis of color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, region, deformity or social economic condition.
5) which infringe on or violate the intellectual rights of any third party.
6) which reveal personal information regarding any third party (including phone numbers, real names and email addresses).
7) which contain viruses, software or any program or links to such features that may lead to computer damage of any one user, group of users or the community as a whole.
8) which contain excessively vulgar and abusive language.
9) which contain meaningless words, sentences and photos.
10) which contain no literal content.
11) have been intentionally posted repeatedly or, in computer terms, deemed to be 'spam'.
12) containing advertisements which are solely for a commercial purpose.
13) Advertisements replies which are irrelevant to the particular thread.
14) which can do harm to the order of the community.
15) which contain unnecessary non-English languages.
16) which are related to politics.
17) which are posted at irrelevant or unsuitable places.

Any user who does any of the following will be blocked and banished immediately:
1. Violates the Terms of Use excessively.
2. Posts spam in any form.
3. Ignores the warning of moderators and repeats any violation of our rules.

We at the TravelChinaGuide Community will try our best to keep the community free from all objectionable content, but it is not easy to ensure that everyone exercises a common set of standards. So as to ensure fair and proper management, our moderators will apply these rules on the basis of reasonable good practice. We retain the right to change or discontinue any aspect or feature at any time of the terms of use without prior notice.

Privacy Policy
TravelChinaGuide Community ((abbreviated as TCG Community in the following context) has taken safety measures to protect every user’s privacy. Before submitting your personal information to our site, you should read the following policy carefully.

Username and Password
When you register an account, you are required to provide a username, a password and a valid email address. You can only log in with your username/email address and password. If your password is disclosed to others, your account information is at risk of being compromised. We suggest you change your password immediately. If you need our help, please contact us immediately.

Personal Information
We collect your personal information including gender, date of birth, telephone number, occupation, location and address. However, you can choose to provide your information to us or refuse our request to collect your personal information.

Information Disclosure and Sharing
TCG Community will not disclose your registration information and other personal details to a third party except:
1. with your official permission
2. if we need your information to provide a service you require
3. as required by law and regulatory bodies
4. if you violate the Terms of Use of TCG Community or related laws and regulations

Usage of Cookies
Cookies are small pieces of data sent from a website and stored on your computer's hard drive. We use cookies to remember your ID, password and other browsing activities. With the help of cookies, you do not need to log in every time you visit us.

Cookies are encrypted and can be only recognized by the server that sent them. Therefore, you needn't worry that your personal information is disclosed. You also can change your internet browser setting to prevent receiving cookies from certain or all websites.

TCG community contains links to other websites. Please understand that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. You should be aware and read the privacy policies of other websites when you leave our site. However, we still reserve the right to remove links to any website if we find the site content inappropriate.

All users' information is collected and stored on our servers. We have strict security measures to ensure that all users' information is under full protection. For example, all users' passwords are encrypted. However, there are no perfect security measures on the internet. If you have security issues, please contact us immediately.

Revision of Privacy Policy
TCG Community reserves the right to change or modify this privacy policy at any time, for any reason and without notice. All changes will take effect immediately upon posting. Please visit this page frequently to view our latest privacy policy.

How to Contact Us
Mailing Address:
5th Floor, Yu Yuan Mansion,
No.65 Nan ErHuan Xi Duan,
Xian, P.R.C.