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Thread: <Chinese Learning> Introduce your relatives
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[quote=MAY001,229696]儿子(Er 2 Zi)/女儿(Nv 3 Er 2)=Son/Daughter When introduce your son or daughter, you can say 这是(Zhe 4 Shi 4)我(Wo 3)儿子/女儿, which means This is my son/daughter. 女儿 also can be changed to 闺女(Gui 1 Nv 3), which also means daughter in this sentence. But 闺女 is more frequently used in north China. What if you have a son-in-law or daughter-in-law? Son-in-law is called 女婿(Nv 3 Xu 4) in Chinese and daughter-in-law is called 媳妇(Xi 2 Fu 4) or 儿媳妇(Er 2 Xi 2 Fu 4). Please pay attention that 媳妇 also can be used to address your wife. So 儿媳妇(儿 means the son, so this means the son's wife) is better.[/quote]
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