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Thread: <Chinese Learning> Introduce your relatives
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[quote=MAY001,229697]兄(Xiong 1)弟(Di 4)姐(Jie 3)妹(Mei 4)=brothers and sisters 兄 means the elder brother, which is often used with other characters such as 兄长(Xiong 1 Zhang 3), 兄弟(Xiong 1 Di 4). 兄长 is a formal way to address one's elder brother. Informally, 哥哥(Ge 1 Ge) or 哥 is enough to call your elder brother. 弟 or 弟弟 means the younger brother, so 兄弟 means brothers. What's more, 兄弟 also means very close friends, whom consider each other as brothers. North China people also like to say 哥们儿(Ge 1 Men1 Er) which has the similar meaning. 姐 means the elder sister while 妹 means the younger sister. One can also say 姐姐, 妹妹 to call the sisters. Close friends between girls also can be called 姐妹, which means they are as good as sisters. [/quote]
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