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Thread: <Chinese Learning> Introduce your relatives
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[quote=MAY001,230087]Other relatives: 爷爷(Ye 2 Ye), your father's father. 奶奶(Nai 3 Nai), your father's mother. 外公(Wai 4 Gong 1), your mother's father. 外婆(Wai 4 Po 2), your mother's mother. 公公(Gong 1 Gong), the way to address your husband's father. 婆婆(Po 2 Po), the way to call your husband's mother. 岳父(Yue 4 Fu 4), to call your wife's father. 岳母(Yue 4 Mu 3), to call your wife's mother. The above mentioned is often changed to 爸爸 and 妈妈 now. 伯父(Bo 2 Fu 4)/伯伯(Bo 2 Bo), your father's elder brother. 伯母(Bo 2 Mu 3), your father's elder brother's wife. 叔父(Shu 1 Fu 4)/叔叔(Shu 1 Shu), your father's younger brother. 婶婶(Shen 3 Shen), your father's younger brother's wife The latter one mentioned above is more informal. Besides, these kinds of title also can be used to address those who are around the age of your father to show your respect to others. 舅父(Jiu 4 Fu 4)/舅舅(Jiu 4 Jiu), your mother's brother. The latter one is more informal. 舅母(Jiu 4 Mu 3)/舅妈(Jiu 4 Ma 1), your mother's brother's wife. The latter one is more informal. 姨妈(Yi 2 Ma 2)/姨(Yi 2), your mother's elder sister/younger sister. 姨父(Yi 2 Fu 4), your mother's sister's husband. [/quote]
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