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Thread: Latest Top 10 languages in the world
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[quote=CHRISWAUGHBJ,231175]A bit of searching turned up this Most Widely Spoken Languages in the World Language Approx. number of speakers 1. Chinese (Mandarin) 1,075,000,000 2. English 514,000,000 3. Hindustani1 496,000,000 4. Spanish 425,000,000 5. Russian 275,000,000 6. Arabic 256,000,000 7. Bengali 215,000,000 8. Portuguese 194,000,000 9. Malay-Indonesian 176,000,000 10. French 129,000,000 Note that it says Chinese (Mandarin), although they don't link to the source (Ethnologue) and they don't provide a definition of Mandarin or Arabic, even though for 'Hindustani' the add a footnote "Encompasses multiple dialects, including Hindi and Urdu." which raises a few questions: What does Arabic mean? Classical Arabic? All the Arabic dialects together? What does Mandarin mean? Putonghua/Modern Standard Mandarin as defined by the PRC government? Guoyu as defined by the RoC government on Taiwan? (don't read any politics into this question, let's stick with linguistics on this thread please) The collection of northern Chinese dialects often referred to as Mandarin? And of course we have to ask how this is measured: Number of native speakers? Native speakers + second language learners? Those two questions alone throw serious doubt on the numbers for both English and Chinese.[/quote]
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