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Thread: <Chinese Learning>At a Bank
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[quote=MAY001,231898]May: 我还有一个账户想销户。I have another account which I'd like to clear. 麻烦您把这个存折上的钱全取出来,存到新的账户里。Please draw out all the money from this bankbook and put it into the new account. 还有(Hai 2 You 3) here means Another. 销户(Hai 2 You 3)= clear the account. 麻烦(Ma 2 Fan 2) is a euphemism to show your thankfulness when troube others. By courtesy, it's better to use this phrase when asking others to do sth.for you. 取出来(Qu 3 Chu 1 Lai 2) here means draw out. We can say 取钱 (Qu 3 Qian)/draw the money, too. 存(Cun 2), also 存钱(Cun 2 Qian 2), means deposit the money. [/quote]
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