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Thread: How do you think of China's college entrance examination?
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[quote=WINDENERGY,236282]Thanks, ZOEY, I was thinking about starting a thread about the same subject...the CCE. I believe that this testing system is the FAIREST and MOST PRACTICAL way to evaluate a student's ability to perform well in college. It is easy to be critical of a set standard, especially if you are one of the students, (or parents of students) who didn't score well enough to be accepted into any college. However, as a measure of students' attitude and aptitude, this testing method has been proven time and again. It would be nice to realize a perfect society and a perfect world. But, let's face it, we don't live in a perfect world. In the city where I teach the classroom sizes range from 50-75 students. The issue of birth control and the fact that there are just too many potential students to meet the college's capacity weigh into a comprehensive CCE examination. Student's already know about competition and "supply and demand" at the Middle School age. Yet, the attitude of most of my Middle School students is very uninvolved and non-chalant. That's fine for them, if they are seeking to join the Chinese labor force in their future. For the relatively few Chinese students that do apply themselves to learning and seek to improve their lives by attending college, they will most likely perform well on the CEE and be admitted into a college. What I believe should be questioned about China's educational system is the demand that students begin each school day before 7:00 a.m. and don't finish schooling until after 9:00 p.m. That's simply too long to sit through a series of 40-45 minute classes and absorb the information being taught. They should shorten the mid-day break and finish classes at 5:00 p.m. to allow students enough time to do their homework away from school. __WINDENERGY__[/quote]
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