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Thread: A foreigner and traveling alone to China; any recommendations?
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[quote=BILLYBAXTER,252138]Yes China is a hard place to travel in if you are not familar with life in a developing asian country. If you stick to flying or soft/hard sleeper on a train travelling will be fairly pleasant. The buses between large cities are generally OK. As mentioned earlier in the big cities you will be OK although be prepared for big numbers of touts and beggars. If you are only going for 2 weeks I suggest you visit the Guilin/ Yangshuo area if you like scenery. It really is the most remarkable karst landscape. There are large numbers of westerners here hence western food, english speaking locals and lots of things to do. It would be a relaxing holiday rather than an ordeal in the bustling cities. You could easily spend a week here then fly to Beijing and walk the Wall from Jingsheling to Simatai. We just spent 7 weeks bumming about on back road buses and these were the best things we did. At Yangshuo the best thing is the walk from Xeiping to Yangtdi....easily accomplished in a day.[/quote]
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