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Thread: Bound feet--prerequisite for landing a husband
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[quote=CHYNAGYRL,253311]I find it ironic that the Han people considered themselves more civilized than other ethnic groups. In literature they were advanced but in foot-binding they were the most barbaric. The Han people thought that foot-binding was a mark of high civilization. They laughed at the Hakka minority group because their women worked in the fields and therefore would not bind their feet. They called women with normal feet, "clown feet". I'm glad that finally the Manchurians came in and tried to banish this practice. It was one of the most shameful practices in Chinese history. I can't imagine the suffering those women went through for over a thousand years that this practice was in place. As for men finding it erotic... I don't understand how someone can enjoy another's suffering. An enlightened person should be able to see how much the woman suffered during her foot binding. Some of those women always had infected feet, and the smell of pus following them wherever they went. So, if you were lucky back then, your foot was attractively misshappen. If not, you just walked around on rotting flesh for the rest of your life. As for myself, I have very small feet. If I was alive back then, the guys would have been crazy about me!! But that's very "bian tai" or "perverted" as we say in Mandarin.[/quote]
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