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Thread: Do you like manish girls?
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[quote=DODGER,253401]Jabaroota, Has a good point on this. Gone are the days when woman had to be seen as docile and feminine. It was not that long ago when it was thought that they (Woman) were too weak to compete in anything longer than a 1500 meter event. We have had Warrior Queens in the passed, Boadicea, Joan of Ark, Elizabeth the 1st and the last Empress of China. To add to this point, many of the old religions had a Male and a Female god that worked hand in hand. The Roman Church recognized this fact and created a Mother figure to be worshipped. But perhaps I digress too much. But in conclusion, let them express themselves as they would want. It is now their right, even of we do not agree. Dodger. [/quote]
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