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Thread: Bound feet--prerequisite for landing a husband
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[quote=LOVEISVERB,254627]Cruel things happen anytime, anywhere. Just take a look at the present standards of beauty. How many women venture to eat less than their body probably need just trying to be skinny? And now, goes on diet is normal, we don't think it's cruel. But can anyone tell it is not cruel to cut open various parts of body to just take out fat? In order to make certain parts of the body bigger, they would take pills that would hurt their health later, and worse still, they fill something into their body. Binded feet look so ugly to most of us, so that's easy to say it's cruel to bind feet. TO me, our standard of beauty hasn't yet upgraded to a level we should be proud of. We are all part of it. Manchurians didn't do much as you thought.[/quote]
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