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Thread: China is responsible for global food crisis?
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[quote=DREAMLIFE,286123]“If the Chinese people had consumed the same amount of meat, per person, in 2007 as in 1995, there would have been enough grain left over to support 927 million hungry people with enough grain for an entire year,” said Lane. “The growth rate is so intense that, even if the US ethanol industry were completely shut down tomorrow, increased Chinese demand would soak up the excess grain by 2011.” The study tracks the meteoric growth in Chinese meat consumption since 1983, a trend spotted early by Worldwatch Institute founder Lester Brown in his prescient 1994 article “Who Will Feed China?”. In 1995, Chinese meat consumption was 25 kilograms per person, and reaching 31 kilograms by 1999, 50 kilograms by 2000, and is 53 kilograms per person today. “Even with all the growth, Chinese meat consumption is still 45 percent less than the average consumption in the US,” Lane warned. “An additional 277 million tonnes of grain would be needed to support China at parity with the US. That would take 68 million acres to grow. There isn’t that kind of arable land available anywhere is the world, whether we grow grains for renewable energy or not.” After reading this study, what do you think of it? Is China the only one who should be responsible for the food crisis at the moment?[/quote]
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