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Thread: Backpacking in China
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[quote=GERALDINE ,30723]Hi there my husband and I backpacked through China staying in a variety of different types of accomodation. Apart from Shangahi we were always able to find cheap accomodation that was of a very good standard. We travelled from Beijing all the way down to Yangshuo in the South and never paid more that 50-60rmb per night for the two of us and our rooms were all air conditioned with private bathroom - albeit at times squat toilets. It was a fantastic experience. A great book is the Lonely Planet guide to China as it gives you budget, midrange and top range accomodation in each town even small villages. A big book that is heavy and does cost a reasonable amount but it was our bible for accomodation, travel and attractions and certainly stopped us being ripped off as it gives solid indications of all costs that you should be paying. Good luck and have a great time- we did!![/quote]
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