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Thread: Backpacking in China
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[quote=JABAROOTOO ,34313]Hi there,Backpacking is pretty easy in China if you've had expereince elsewhere. Travelling with a Lonely Planet or equivelant is a must. Do some homework online and if you are travelling to a tight schedule book youth hostels online before, as they are pretty heavily utilized in popular places while other cities will have no shortage of good quality budget accommodation around the train and bus stations and the downtown districts. You can often get a nice double for Y80 with a regular toilet and A/C if you are travelling off season and in less popular places. Avoid popular spots on weekends.Trains are best travel option for longer distances and don't dismiss buses, I use them a lot, often quicker and certainly more frequent than trains and just as comfortable. Some places they are the only option.Out of season you can get very good deals on airfares. I flew to Xian from CQ for less than Y500 at the end of June this year but a few days later the fare had risen to Y630 inclusive.Ask Jimmy to recommend a budget hotel in CQ as they have been difficult to come by. LP is doing an update but won't be published until next year. Too late for you but you can get OK rooms for less than Y300In the bigger cities if place is not too busy, just make out that it is more than you want to pay. Don't be put off by the listed price on the walls as they will nearly always offer a discount to get customers unless they are fully booked.Have a great trip[/quote]
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