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Thread: Booking China domestic transportation
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[quote=SKIBUM80488,37162]Thanks everyone for your help. It's VERY much appreciated. I have already made a few changes based on your input. I am now planning on China Regal Cruise Line because it advertises to go all the way to Wuhan thus making my connection to airport easy. China Regal sails on morning of April 25 so I moved travel plans up a day to arrive in CQ on the on 24th to spend the nite on the boat before departure the next day. Best quoted price for this cruise on the internet is $360 per person so I'm planning to wait until Beijing on April 17 to book this hoping to save a few bucks. This means I depart cruise in Wuhan on Friday April 27 with plan to fly to Shanghai that nite. I'm planning to book this flight in Beijing on April 17 also. Is 10 days early enough to be confident of getting 4 seats on this plane on the Friday before May 1 Golden Week? Thanks again everyone. You have been most helpful and I really appreciate it![/quote]
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