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Thread: Why do men envy women?
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[quote=WESTNORWOODGAS,258460]If i were born again, I'd like to be a man. Men are more confident and can put themselves first without feeling guilty -- whereas women are often thinking for others, trying to diplomatic and have to be nice or else they will be called a b*tch. And i want to fart and burp loudly, and consider it bonding with my friends. I want to spend my childhood in more physical activities, and not be afraid of getting dirty or hurting myself. Men make more money too, and can marry younger women and raise families even when they are old. In some ways, guys have it better than women. I hadn't thought of it like that, I guess you women would like to fart and burp like men without feeling unlady like, most men would feel guilty if they " let rip " in front of their women but when it's with male friends it's seen as funny ( except for the smell ), when I was in China last year my girlfriend let one go and blushed, I told her not to worry, it's natural to expel gas from time to time, , just be careful not to follow through! he he Dodger will probably be in fit's of laughter by now. Alan.[/quote]
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